Monday, July 11, 2016

Over the past 30 years, the Democrats have controlled Congress(house & senate) for 12 years.

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Over the past 30 years, the Democrats have controlled Congress(house & senate) for 12 years. The Republicans have controlled Congress(house & senate) for 12 years, and for six years Congress has been split between the two parties.
Over the past 30 years, our national debt has gone up 1,000% and 80% of Americans have been falling further below the cost of living increases each year.
Corporations and special interest groups spend $3.2 Billion annually influencing Congress and every time they buy legislation that favors their greed, we the people pay the price.
It doesn't matter which party holds the majority in Congress as long as the same corrupt, career politicians are in control on both sides of the aisle!
If we don't break this cycle of corruption, our economy is going to crash. It's time to stand together and change how the game is played in DC!
With the second option of Article 5, we can pass a Term Limits Amendment without Congress's approval! With this one amendment we destroy every long term relationship with lobbyists and provide a turnover rate that guarantees that they will never again control a majority in Congress! With this one amendment, we can guarantee that no person spends 30 or 40 years becoming more powerful and dictating how everyone else in his/her party must vote!
We've already succeeded in Florida. 1 down, 33 to go....
Sign the petition! It only takes a minute! Let's make this happen!
E-Petition Link:

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