Monday, February 1, 2016

One of the most effective ways to find peace and harmony within (which is the only place you will ever find it), is...

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

One of the most effective ways to find peace and harmony within (which is the only place you will ever find it), is to relinquish the concept and construct of time. You must be free in the moment, with no concern for future or past; but only being still inside yourself and calming your nervous system down and, on a deeper level, your spirit.

This is not to say that we must live our lives without ever reflecting on the past or contemplating the future, because these abilities serve us well when administered and implemented with wisdom and intelligence, but it is imperative that we all MAKE TIME to be FREE from time, which is one of the greatest sources of stress in our lives today. 

In other words, you must find something, whether it be meditating, jogging, dancing, skate boarding, listening to music or ANYTHING that you earnestly enjoy doing, that brings you peace; and then dedicate yourself to being fully present and invested in that moment; and enjoying it to the fullest, without regard for time, for future or past. Without concern for external judgment and worry, without any distractions — all of which are actually coming from your own mind's learnt ability to worry — and just being free, as you were as a small child before the world inundated you with its silly dramas.

Your inner wellbeing must be a TOP PRIORITY in your life, because if you are not okay within, nothing else will be okay. Your innerbeing is the root from which everything else in your life grows. There will always be dramas here and there, don't get me wrong, but we must MAKE TIME for inner balance and peace.

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